Friday 5 February 2016

Getting to know the learner

This week at HPSS, we have been having Individual Meetings with our parents and students in our Learning Hubs.
This has been a fantastic way to meet the new year 9 students as well as continue to develop relationships with the parents of last years hub students and to get to meet the new hub students and their parents.

Throughout the meeting we have been asking questions, which I have to say have blended themselves ratther well.

What are your interests and passions?
What sports do you play or would like to play?
What are your main strengths?
What do you find difficult?
What are you most worried about?
What are you most looking forward to?
Wht is your favourite learning area(s)?
What was your favourite thing about your previous school?
Parent - Looking forward to / expectations...
Parent - Worried about...
Student aspirations for the future...
Parent - how could/would you like to be involved with what we do?
Ideas for a personal and a learning goal to start the year.
Any other information.

As well as these questions has been information around an EOTC trip next week, checking parents details and the all important module selection booklet.
Getting to know the learner is an important part of what we do, having these meetings at the beginning of the year has helped as I did not get to meet some parents until the end of semester one last year, or through the information night during term one.

Students have yet to know what their timetable looks like, this is happening next week as students return their module selections forms and learning coaches enter it into the system. The main thing to look for around this is choice, learning area coverage.

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