Tuesday 23 July 2013

Christchurch Schools Friday

Interesting one of the possible solutions to come out of the quakes is a possible change to schooling. Albany Senior High School suspends the timetable one day each week for individual projects to take place. With vocational pathways and the youth guarantee act coming into play Friday we see a number of our seniors go out on gateway placements, work experience and tertiary pathways. The idea now comes that Friday is starting to be a difficult day to do anything.

Why not have the field trips, sports exchanges, gateway, work experience all put on the one day with individual projects based around the New Zealand Curriculum 2007 happening on that day. How often are music and art students out of class working on their portfolios. Technology as well as Digital Technologies also need this time.

Now this isn't looking at happening for the entire school. Junior classes, Year 9 & 10 still need to happen. But senior classes could be a start.

Interesting idea. I wonder how I could use this to link in with the creative city.

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