Friday 8 March 2013

Digital Media-Content Management Systems

I am busy working on a unit of work that gets students to look at a variety of content management systems. They have to be able to install and configure them, add content and add a variety of extra plugins. Simple as it may sound, you are not one the configuring the server to be able to do what is required.

The three Content Management Systems are:

I know some people are questioning some of the decisions, however, now thinking it silverstripe could make an appearance.
Update:Currently downloading

This is so the students can start working on there assessment for media this year. They have to be able to talk about various Content Management Systems, what the differences are in installing and setting up.

Each one has had it quirks  from magic_quotes_gpc to date time needed and being able to have rewrite module loaded.

Now I have to figure out what folders and the like require www-data access through chown.

I would like to see what the students come up with, however, I am still wondering what content do I get the students to develop, do I use already existing data, or get the students to create new content and issue them a challenge.

One of my biggest issues has been working through various websites to get this going, though I am understanding a bit more around the workings of ubuntu now with the apache2 and how they use the mods-available.

I need to start looking at how big the project will be and whether the server will be able to cope with the projected load. Luckily there are 12 students in the class, though which each of the three install approx 100meg of data will be copied, this is a 1.2Gig project.

Students will have samba access through there accounts to be able to copy and edit files. though I am unsure how I am going to change the permissions of the folders, this may have to be a teachable exercise in which students will need to have ssh access. Students will have phpmyadmin access to be able to develop databases, though they may need three databases to hold the data from each of the cms. I don't really want them to have it all within one database.

I am disappointed, I have had to restart my server and now lose my uptime stats.

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