Tuesday 15 December 2009

Small Basic

I have been looking at a number of blogs surrounding programing and they have been talking about a development called small basic, a simple easy to use programming language, which would be great for a year 11 course.

Small Basic is a project that's aimed at bringing "fun" back to programming. By providing a small and easy to learn programming language in a friendly and inviting development environment, Small Basic makes programming a breeze. Ideal for kids and adults alike, Small Basic helps beginners take the first step into the wonderful world of programming.

Microsoft Small Basic pdf getting started


A great blog to look at different things dealing with small basic http://blogs.msdn.com/smallbasic/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might also like to try "SmallBASIC" (mentioned in the MS Small BASIC FAQ) - http://smallbasic.sourceforge.net - the new version 0.10.6 is pretty cool :)